Mollie Gratland textile artworks
West View, Hodson, Swindon SN4 0QG (Venue 20 in the Brochure) was hosting the exhibition for five artists:
Mollie Gratland – Textiles
Christine Ratcliffe – Clay
Melinda Smith – Mixed Media
Marjorie Snell – Clay
Nicola Weir-Blankenstein – mixed media, mainly ceramics

Works by Christine Ratcliffe and Nicola Weir-Blankenstein
Hodson is a very nice village, close to Swindon, with many thatch roof cottages. The venue was close to The Calley Arms pub, a good address to stop for lunch.

Works in clay by Marjorie Snell

Swindon Viewpoint came to film the event

Visitors came all week-end and litres of tea were served.
Everyone enjoyed the art and the venue received some unexpected visits: The Red Arrows crossed the sky at one point, Swindon Viewpoint came to film the event and Tony Hiller, Swindon Community Poet, paid tribute to the artists by writing and declaiming a poem for the occasion.

Tony Hillier , Swindon Community Poet
Hodson's Choice
Loved the garaged gazebos
avec le first aid dowling
sans dowling
sans roof
sans sun gazebo
Loved most of all
B&Q overflow pipe
avec elbow
silk painted Tibetan Peace Flag
whose artist abandoned
Wednesday's Nationalistic football fervour
Loved them all
Hodson's, is my Choice
Tony Hillier, Swindon Community Poet enjoys his visits to Swindon’s Artists Open Studios 12 Sept 2009 poemogram@hotmail.com
Tony commented, when answering our request to publish his poem: “I would add that Swindon Open Studios is now on my list of Swindon's Hidden Treasures (alongside TWIGS, Lower Shaw Farm, Lanterns on the Lake, International Food Fayre, Coate Arboretum , Richard Jefferies Museum) and others - all gems that should not be hidden to Swindon residents.”
The last words go to Mollie Gratland who commented: “We all had a lovely time and everyone sold some works. Thanks a million for all your hard work in organising the event.”